Wednesday, August 13, 2014

DP Configuration Status node showing In Progress!!!

1 Week back the team distributed the package to few DP, but after 1 week the status for DP was showing IN Progress....on checking we found that before the package was finished distributing the package was deleted from from sccm 2012. Hence it was still showing the status as In Progress.

But now we need to clear the status, so that console should look Green and Clean...But how????

The solution to fix this was easy,Thanks to "Peter Daalmans" since the content was not available anymore. What must be done is enable and configure Content Validation on Distribution Point(s). Content Validation verifies the integrity of the packages on the distribution points.

Enable the Content Validation on the DP

Enable the Content Validation on the DP. After that the Content Validation had done his work the Distribution Point Configuration Status of all distribution points were successful.

Hope This Will Help!!!
Amarpal Singh Sandhu

Delete Stale or Inactive Computer Accounts from SCCM

Some time we see some weird entry in the sccm console relate to client record. When we dig we find that our Collection show more count as compare to the actual count. This happen because of  ADSD.

When ADSD is enabled, Config Mgr Administrators generally discover the entire domain or a major OU structure. Admins are amazed to see the sheer number of PCs discovered by ADSD, however, upon further inspection they notice that these “extra” PCs are in fact old PCs that are no longer active on the network.

They might have a process to physically dispose of a PC, but they forget to remove the PC from AD and sometimes Config Mgr too. This is an important part of the decommissioning process. Without removing decommissioned PCs from AD, it leaves AD in a “dirty” state with lots of stale PCs that are no longer active.

So now we know that we have stale entry in the SCCM and AD. We should find some simple solution to get rid of these records. As I am very lazy to will find something simple that can help me to perform it with 1 click example scripts or Bat or Power Shell. Everyone have different think, so they may need something different.

Below are the few solutions that can help us. (Choice is yours)

1. The First Method is Script :

The credit for this script goes to windows management experts team for creating the beautiful script that work for us, so that we can take nap for few more minutes.... 

Below is the link to Download the script :

2. The Second Method is Power shell :

This PowerShell command/script will query Active Directory and return all computer accounts which have not logged in for the past X (configurable) number of days - or not at all. I've included - and commented out - commands that will either Disable or Remove these accounts if you choose to do so.

# This PowerShell Command will query Active Directory and return the computer accounts which have not logged for the past 60 days.  You can easily change the number of days from 60 to any number of your choosing.  lastLogonDate is a Human.Readable conversion of the lastLogonTimeStamp
$then = (Get-Date).AddDays(-60) # The 60 is the number of days from today since the last logon.

Get-ADComputer -Property Name,lastLogonDate -Filter {lastLogonDate -lt $then} | FT Name,lastLogonDate

# If you would like to Disable these computer accounts, uncomment the following line:
# Get-ADComputer -Property Name,lastLogonDate -Filter {lastLogonDate -lt $then} | Set-ADComputer -Enabled $false

# If you would like to Remove these computer accounts, uncomment the following line:
# Get-ADComputer -Property Name,lastLogonDate -Filter {lastLogonDate -lt $then} | Remove-ADComputer

3. The Third Method is AD Tool :

Here is an easy way to identify and delete inactive or stale computers in an Active Directory environment.  Using the dsquery command you can easily find all of the computers in the directory that have not been logged into in a given time interval or disabled.

The following command will return all computers that have been inactive or stale for 2 weeks:

dsquery computer –inactive 2
The following command will return all disabled computer account information:

dsquery computer –disabled
You can combine this output with the dsrm command to delete these objects from Active Directory

dsquery computer –inactive 2 | dsrm -noprompt 
dsquery computer –disabled | dsrm -noprompt
Following any of the above 3 method we can keep our AD and SCCM Clean.

Hope This Will Help!!
Amarpal Singh

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Report Not Showing Free Disk Data SCCM 2012!!!

There was requirement from wintel team for Disk space check on few servers on which they were suspecting disk space issue, So I started my work to get the report using   Hardware 01A – Summary of computers in a specific collection report. And when the result came in I was shock to see that free space date was not there. So after flipping some page in sccm book it gave me the clue.

The Clue was free disk space data is not collected in System Center 2012 Configuration Manager (CM12) by default, so in order to collect this information you will need to enable the attribute within the logical disk (SMS_LogicalDisk) class.

Below are the steps to enable the collection of free disk space data.

Open the CM12 console. Select the Administration node and then Client Settings. In the results pane right-click Default Client Settings and click Properties.

Select Hardware Inventory and then click on Set Classes…

Locate Logical Disk and select Free Space (MB) then click OK until you return to the CM12 console.
Now we have to wait till next hardware inventory cycle, all of your clients will start reporting free disk space data back to CM12. Once the hardware inventory cycle is complete.

 Hope This Will Help!!

Amarpal Singh Sandhu